Technical Posts

This page is an index for all my technical posts, mainly focusing on Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, and Machine Learning. They also include more theoretical discussions about applied Philosophy of Mind and Psychology.

  If you need a specific technical post, you can always search for it.

De Chirico's Metaphysical Square. A landscape where technique merges with humanism. Data Science, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence seem to be the crowning glory of the painter's ideas
Giorgio De Chirico’s Metaphysical Square.

Table of Contents

  4 Minutes Read

Technical Posts

Un robot che suona il pianoforte. Il culmine della ricerca sul machine learning e l'intelligenza artificiale
Un robot che suona il pianoforte


  • Crash-Introduction to Reinforcement Learning: A presentation about the main concepts of Reinforcement Learning focusing on agents, environments, action planning, and policies. Extremely useful for those interested in Data Science and Machine Learning.
  • Minds vs. AIs: A keynote to discuss the differences and relationships between human minds and artificial intelligence models.

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