Pastel notes: the dance of the cosmos tying itself to life

In this poem, a few notes, like symbols of a cosmic pattern, dance to give the cosmos life. It is no longer the latter that bestows this gift, but on the contrary, it is precisely human hands that unravel the motions of the universe.

Pastel notes as human hands give the cosmos life

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  2 Minutes Read

Pastel notes,
Among echoes stretched beyond the reddening of the sky.
In a circle,
similar to porcelain megaliths,
a few schoolchildren pirouette the Earth.
Two intertwined hands,
Like a plow,
Furrow a lubricious expanse of lives.

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Some brief notes on the origin of dance

Dance has been a fundamental part of human culture since ancient times, with its origins deeply rooted in various cultures worldwide. In many societies, dance was a form of entertainment and a means of communication, storytelling, and spiritual expression.

Different cultures have unique dance traditions that reflect their beliefs, values, and customs. For example, in African cultures, dance was used to celebrate important events such as harvests or rites of passage, with intricate movements symbolizing various aspects of life.

In other socio-cultural settings, such as the indigenous tribes of North America, dance was believed to connect humans with nature and the spiritual realm, with accompanying movements and notes mimicking animals and natural elements. Greek mythology also played a significant role in the origin of dance, with stories of gods and goddesses engaged in elaborate dances to express emotions and communicate with mortals.

Children dance in the field, surrounded by pastel notes
As a ritual element, dance recalls cosmic chaos, while the choreographic figurations, accompanied by the notes of specific music, invite us to think about a process of concretizing life.

In India, dance has a rich history deeply intertwined with Hindu mythology. Classical Indian dances such as Bharatanatyam and Kathak trace their origins to ancient texts and temple rituals in which dancers told myths and legends through intricate movements. Similarly, in African cultures, dance was used to honor ancestors, celebrate crops, and mark important life events.

Around the world, influential figures such as Martha Graham in the United States, Rudolf Nureyev in Russia, and Pina Bausch in Germany revolutionized the art of dance by pushing boundaries and challenging traditional norms. Dance continues to evolve, reflecting the changing fabric of human expression and cultural diversity.

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