Parallel Universes

This page is an index for all the other works (everything but music) written by Giuseppe Bonaccorso. They include books, essays, poetry, and philosophical papers.

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Parallel Universes: Poetry, Literature, Novels, Essays, and Philosophy

Originally in English:

  • My Technical Books: I published data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence books. This is a discontinued activity; please don’t contact me with related questions.
  • Technical Posts: All my technical posts mainly focused on Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, and Machine Learning.

Originally in Italian:

  • Literature: It includes all works of literature written by Giuseppe Bonaccorso. It includes mainly poetry, short novels, essays, online works, and published books.
  • Essays: They include essays focusing on indifferent topics, in particular, literature critics, music, poetry, and philosophical analyses.
  • Manifesto of Neo-Humanism: The Manifesto of the cultural movement called Neo-Humanism revisits the fundamental principles of the centrality of man and his creativity.

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