
This is the main index for all the essays (mainly originally in Italian) written by Giuseppe Bonaccorso and often published in specialized magazines. They include literature, music, poetry, and philosophy essays.

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St. Jerome in his studio, where he wrote many of his essays and translated the Bible.
St. Jerome in his studio.

Essays that have been initially written in Italian

Manifesto of Neo-Humanism

The Manifesto of the cultural movement called Neo-Humanism revisits the basic principles of the centrality of man and his creativity.

Catherine and I: a post-modern Flashback 

Existential and Philosophical Essay Analyzing the Relationship between Man and Machine as presented in the Italian film “Io e Caterina.”

The Echo of Boredom

Analysis of the legendary events of the nymph Echo, narrated in Ovid’s Metamorphoses, concerning the psychological concept of existential boredom.

How natural is artificial intelligence?

Essay on the relationship between natural and artificial intelligence, emphasizing human minds’ generative and abstract properties.

The Meaning and the Chinese Room

Essay on the fundamental problem of the nature of the mind and its replicability in a mechanical way, with particular reference to Searle’s philosophy.


An essay analyzing the relationship between natural language, mind, and the creation of automatic thinking based on logic.

Cybernetic Existentialism

Analysis of the existential condition associated with the will to survive in the context of artificial intelligence-based machines.

The Perceptual Feedback

The essay analyzes how sensitive perception is based on a complex feedback system that regulates and refines actions.

Cyclic Perception

The assay analyzes sensitive perception theory based on cyclic mechanisms of refinement and reduction of bias.

The Perception of Time

An essay discussing the perception of physical and psychological time based on concepts derived from thermodynamics and neuroscience.

Roboethics: between science fiction and reality

Analysis of Asimov’s laws in the context of real robotics and discussion of their actual scope and natural implications.

Reflection on “Know Thyself”

Reflection on the philosophical and esoteric nature of the “Know Thyself” exhortation concerning Jacques Monod’s natural theories.

The unfolding of psychological time

The essay delves into the concept of time by analyzing its different facets in the natural sciences, psychology, and philosophy.

Essays that have been initially written in English

A virtual Jacques Lacan discusses Artificial Intelligence

A virtual interview with Jacques Lacan focusing on the relationships between psychoanalysis, philosophy of mind, and artificial intelligence.


My Nonfiction Books

List of nonfiction books written by Giuseppe Bonaccorso. They mainly focus on psychology, artificial intelligence, and philosophy of mind.

A brief note on the origin of philosophy

The origin of philosophy dates back to ancient civilizations, mainly in Greece, where thinkers sought to understand the fundamental nature of existence and knowledge. One of the earliest known philosophers was Thales of Miletus, who proposed that water was the fundamental substance of the universe. This marked the beginning of a rational inquiry into natural phenomena and the rejection of mythological explanations.

Raphael Sanzio's School of Athens, one of the earliest philosophical assemblies in history. Thanks to the development and spread of Greek philosophical thought, it was possible to arrive at an intellectual maturity unparalleled in the world.
Raphael Sanzio’s School of Athens is one of the earliest philosophical assemblies in history. Thanks to the development and spread of Greek philosophical thought, it was possible to arrive at an intellectual maturity unparalleled in the world.

Other prominent figures such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle emerged as philosophy evolved. Socrates is famous for his method of questioning, which aimed at stimulating critical thinking and self-examination. Plato, his most famous student, founded the Academy in Athens and wrote extensively on metaphysics, ethics, and politics. Aristotle, another student of Plato, made significant contributions to logic, biology, and ethics, laying the groundwork for Western philosophy.

These early philosophers paved the way for centuries of philosophical inquiry, shaping the intellectual landscape of the Western world and influencing disciplines ranging from science to politics.

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