Leaves unfolded on the night

Leaves unfolded on the night

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  2 Minutes Read

Leaves unfolded on the night.

I can hear the rain beating on it like a drum:
My breath is a mantra.

I draw events and let them disappear.
The apnea of my life
Is a drop along the tail of a comet.

Your echo,
Like a restless spirit,
Slips past,

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A brief note on the symbolism of the night

The symbolism of night has long fascinated the minds of artists and poets, serving as a deep well of inspiration and contemplation. Its dark veil and mysterious aura often symbolize the unknown, mystery, and introspection. Over the centuries, artists have used the symbolism of night to convey a range of emotions, from fear and loneliness to tranquility and contemplation.

In art, this moment has been represented in various ways, from the eerie works of Francisco Goya (1746 – 1828) to the serene nightscapes of Vincent van Gogh (1845 – 1890). The play of light and shadow in the naturally dark scenes creates a sense of depth and mystery, inviting viewers to delve into the hidden meanings of the artwork.

Van Gogh's Starry Night
Van Gogh’s Starry Night, preserved at MoMA New York (and also available as a print), is perhaps one of the most famous paintings inspired by the hours following twilight. He seems to want to give the night “the voice of the stars,” which, intrusive and more prominent than ever, transforms the darkness into a gentle penumbra with feminine features.

Even poets have been enchanted by the symbolism of darkness and twilight. From Shakespeare’s star-crossed lovers meeting in favor of darkness to Rumi’s meditations on the beauty of the night sky, poets have used the night as a canvas to explore themes of love, loss, and the human experience.

Overall, the symbolism of the night continues to inspire artists and poets, offering a rich web of meanings to explore and interpret. The absence of the noises of everyday life allows us to amplify what comes from within and discover that there is an inner world in turmoil beyond outer silence.

Just as he discovered John Cage inside an anechoic chamber, where the sounds he heard were the beating of his heart and the “buzzing” produced by his nervous system, other artists, albeit by less extreme means, have managed to “snatch” from this period of darkness his secret to make it their own and draw from it very often fascinating results.

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