
Painting showing the biblical character Job
I still discern golden traces
In the desert where the dust is mute.
The endless caravan of dawn,
Like an impalpable silk shawl,
Parades along the path;
It doesn’t look at me or speak my name,
Yet I know every single face.
With Moshe, I traded cattle,
Eleazar still blesses my wine,
And there is even young Rabi,
Factor in distant lands.
Only I am missing from the roll call:
I who among the palms of the oasis
I never found comfort.
Go ahead,
Beyond the remote mountains and valleys:
I don’t care. Let the wind guide them.
Moshe’s herdsmen
I will always keep the best calves.
And I will not break the promise
When Rabi wants to take a wife.
My plundered fields serve the crows
and fine wool beds the pigs.
Was I more erudite than the sparrows?
Wiser than the mountain goats?
Dear friends, yes, I believed that. I don’t deny it.
Before dawn, I dreamed that I was.
And I enjoyed it like a baby.
But in the first sun, unfortunately,
I became a man again
And I remembered You.
About when you took me to the party,
Saying to me, “Son, this is my gift!
And of cold, mute dismay,
When I turn around,
I saw the hand that was holding me
Now, far away from me.

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A brief note on the biblical figure of Job

Job is an Old Testament biblical figure often remembered for his unwavering faith and extraordinary perseverance. His story is one of great trials and tribulations, a powerful testimony to the strength of the human spirit and the enduring power of faith.

In the book of Job, we learn that Job was a rich and righteous man who lived a comfortable life. However, Satan challenged Job’s faith by inflicting a series of unimaginable hardships on him. Job lost his wealth, children, and health, yet he refused to curse God or blame him for his misfortunes. Instead, Job remained steadfast in his conviction that God had a more excellent plan for him, even amid immense suffering.

The book of Job by John F. MacArthur
The Book of Job by John F. MacArthur is an interpretive analysis of the figure of Job as a suffering man who does not give up in the face of God’s will but who, far from patiently, seeks in every way an explanation for his suffering. A portrait that is reflected in the face of every man.

The story of Job continues to resonate with people of all faiths and backgrounds, serving as a timeless tale of resilience, hope, and the enduring power of faith. It encourages us to remain strong in our convictions and to trust in a higher power, even when life’s circumstances seem unbearable. Job’s story is a testimony to the strength of the human spirit and reminds us that, even while suffering, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.

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