
Crowd of people. Social alienation is the primary consequence of the industrial revolution and consumerism

There is a crowd of desperate people on the street.
They are all dressed, and modesty follows them.
On the eye of normality
They let the wind breathe on them.
“Equality,” they repeat,
Masking it behind every word.
I am fine,” as “I am equal!
and “I’m sick” to signify the strangeness.
Are not the red buds strange
On trees stooped before the throne of winter?
And what about that stringy branch
Ingested by the fruits that at all it did not want?
Too much effort is lying in the sun
And too many clouds are in the service of modesty.
Why ever extend a hand
If the air is already the essence of every man?
The crowd is right again:
the emptiness oozes tired
the wrinkled features
Of every humane being dumb.
And the observer
Nods pale.

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Brief philosophical note on social alienation

Social alienation refers to feeling disconnected or isolated from society or a particular group. This concept has profound philosophical and sociological implications explored by thinkers and scholars throughout history.

Philosophically, social alienation can be understood through the works of existentialist philosophers such as Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Camus, who highlighted the individual’s struggle to find meaning and belonging in a world that may seem indifferent or hostile.

From a sociological perspective, scholars such as Karl Marx and Emile Durkheim have studied social alienation in the context of modern industrial societies in which individuals may feel alienated from their work, communities, or themselves.

Charlie Chaplin in one of his films about the absurdity of industry leading to alienation.
Charlie Chaplin’s picture in one of his movies about the absurdity of industry that leads to alienation and loss of one’s humanity to serve the relentless and ever-ravenous “demon” of production (also available as a print).

The sociological implications of social alienation can manifest in various forms, such as feelings of powerlessness, lack of social integration, and a sense of being marginalized by dominant social structures.

Understanding and addressing social alienation is critical to promoting social cohesion, mental well-being, and overall social progress. By recognizing and exploring this concept, we can work to create a more inclusive and supportive society in which individuals feel connected and valued.

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