Senselessness: the whims of the muse of poetic inspiration

Muse of poetic inspiration

To the muse of poetry: flashes of lucidity slipping eternally away

She often does not show up.
(…and the poem may already end here).

Sometimes, she arrives already half-stunned
And heads safely where I cannot reach.
More often she comes in the evening,
She stares at me for a long time without expression,
(Do I really forget so often?),
reads my features wrinkle by wrinkle
(like a record player between the rims of a redwood),
And then,
With inscrutable traces of malice,
She eclipses in an aerial cage of Heliodorus.

Slipping into a dusty haze,
She gives little change to an inebriated indifference,
Pirouettes without motion, like a Degas dancer,
And finally reappears in the flicker of a firefly
Drowned in a night asleep in a shabby vat.

The path from the tomb to the cradle where I rest,
is steeped in onyx,
Sharp, worn, cold,
even if only a few steps long.

It is steeped in onyx,
Even though around me, the streetlights shine,
And me too, staring at the mosquitoes buzzing around us,
I feel wooed by that torment
Like a gnat from a grape that has fallen to the ground.

She often does not show up,
As rain does among parched stubble;
But even then,
Who knows why (don’t nod smugly…),
The orange trees, tired and paid,
continue to give birth to insulting curls of orange blossom.

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A brief note on the muse of poetry

In ancient Greece and various other cultures, the muse of poetry played a significant role in inspiring artistic creation. The Greeks believed in nine muses, each dedicated to a specific art form. Calliope, the muse of epic poetry, was admired for her eloquence and beautiful voice. Terpsichore, the muse of dance and chorus, embodied grace and elegance. Euterpe, the muse of music, was known for her ability to arouse emotions through melodies.

Erato was one of the nine Muses in Greek mythology, each responsible for inspiring different art forms. She specifically served as the muse of lyric poetry, love poetry, and mime. With her grace and charm, Erato was believed to have provided poets and musicians with the inspiration and guidance they needed to create beautiful and emotionally charged works. Often depicted holding a lyre, Erato was seen as a symbol of love and passion, guiding artists to express their deepest feelings through their art.

The Muse of Pablo Picasso
The Muse of Pablo Picasso

As the muse of lyric poetry, Erato played a crucial role in inspiring poets to write verses that celebrated love, beauty, and desire. She was also associated with weddings and marriage ceremonies, where her presence was believed to bless the union with love and harmony. Erato’s influence was felt throughout the creative landscape, shaping the work of poets and artists who sought his divine inspiration to create works that touched the hearts and souls of their audiences.

In addition to the Greek muses, other cultures also had deities who inspired poetic composition and song. For example, in Norse mythology, Bragi was the god of poetry and music, celebrated for his wisdom and storytelling. Hindu tradition honors Saraswati as the goddess of knowledge, music and the arts, revered for her creativity and eloquence.

These muses and gods served as sources of inspiration, guiding poets and artists to create works that transcended the ordinary and connected to the divine. Their characteristics and stories continue to fascinate and inspire creative minds around the world.

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