Ode to Alprazolam

An restlessness-inspiring winter seascape

Those reading these lines may be quiet. I don’t. I wallow in my restlessness like a fish in the most pristine open seas.

Those reading these lines might seek comfort in words of hope. I don’t. I hope to one day be able to stop having to hope.

Those reading these lines may want to smile at every trifle. And in that sense, I don’t think it is a severe mistake. I laugh with an ease that seems beyond disarming.

Those reading these lines may have become bitter for any good reason. I don’t. I fight every moment against what frustrates me. I am restless, yes, but for reasons worthy of being so!

Those who read these lines deserve an award. I love Alcohol and Alprazolam. I favor you all. “…Death is paid for by living…” but, in the meantime, let us be a tad “lucid” to count the right money to pay the fee from the grave to the side of Charon.


Deposited for legal protection with Patamu: certificate

This text might offend the sensibilities of well-wishers, bigots, psycho-somethings, and the like, as its content could be considered (in addition to being ugly) and also very uneducational. I express my deepest congratulations to all who think this.

A brief note on the figure of Charon

In Dante’s Inferno, Charon is a prominent figure who serves as the ferryman of the underworld. His character is depicted as a dark and imposing figure charged with transporting the souls of the dead across the Acheron River to the depths of Hell. Charon plays a crucial role in the narrative, serving as the first guardian Dante encounters on his journey through the nine circles of Hell.

Charon, the ferryman of the underworld who stirs further restlessness in damned souls
Charon, the ferryman of the underworld, is a highly symbolic figure. Damned souls are forced to turn to him to reach the place of their eternal perdition. He, consequently, represents the dialectical relationship between necessity and the inexorability of human destiny.

In the epic poem, Charon is portrayed as a symbol of the inevitability of death and judgment, embodying the harsh reality of divine justice. Its role is essential in emphasizing the seriousness of the consequences of one’s actions in life and their eternal ramifications in the afterlife. Charon’s stern demeanor and unwavering dedication to his duty make him a formidable presence in Dante’s Inferno, adding to the general atmosphere of dread and foreboding that permeates the poem’s depiction of Hell.

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