I would write about worlds never seen

Woman sitting on a boat. Exploration of new, unseen worlds is an aspiration of every human being who feels a spiritual flame within.

I would write about worlds never seen,
Of ineffable loves, lost in memory,
Of strange stones,
Of seas deeper than the sky.
I would write as the dreamy composer,
Like the child who paints the nights,
like lightning
Or like the seagull screeching
In his incomprehensible silence.
But my eyes have perhaps seen,
my ears heard,
and even the skin
mimicked the wrinkles of the last leaves.
So I give up,
I prefer the nothingness that enjoys
To the Babel that goes numb in its cackles.
Sweet is the night
chewing slowly
The last, motionless shreds of sunshine.

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Brief consideration of the crepuscular poetic genre

The crepuscular poetic genre, also known as twilight poetry, is a genre that captures the beauty and melancholy of sunset and sunrise. This genre often explores themes of transitions, fleeting moments, and the interplay between light and darkness. Twilight poetry evokes a sense of nostalgia and contemplation as poets reflect on the passage of time and the transitory nature of life.

Prominent authors of the twilight poetry genre include Robert Frost (1864 – 1973), whose poem“Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” beautifully captures the quiet and mysterious charm of a winter twilight. Emily Dickinson (1830 – 1886) is another notable figure in this genre, known for her introspective and meditative poems that often revolve around themes of nature and mortality.

The twilight genre, far from seeking the macabre, is rather a tendency of the spirit to see in the night that inner silence necessary to hear the voice of the soul.
The twilight genre, far from seeking the macabre, is rather a tendency of the spirit to see in the night that inner silence necessary to hear the voice of the soul.

Scenarios commonly depicted in twilight poetry include lonely walks at dusk, light fading over a quiet landscape, and the subtle beauty of everyday moments that are often overlooked. Twilight poetry invites readers to stop and appreciate the delicate beauty of twilight, encouraging contemplation and introspection.

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