Taking inventory

An old inventory book

Taking inventory,
My life today consists of:

  • a permanent job at the Paradise kitchen
    (But banquets are rare,
    because fasting is very trendy for immortals),


  • a house to be filled
    (It is not empty,
    emptiness doesn’t exist … and then I live within myself),


  • a flood of feelings to settle
    (Like dominoes,
    the first card knocks everything down,
    And the first tile is called freedom…),


  • an indoor mosquito
    (It is small, autonomous,
    comes out when it wants to,
    Come back anytime,
    At the end of the day, it has no master…
    …and so it gave itself to me)


  • An immense emptiness that spreads like oil
    (No need for psychiatry,
    optimism classes are not needed,
    you don’t need the company…
    …I am
    And when I try to expand
    A crowd of gods claim their own space….
    Do you understand or not how much work I have to do?)

The rest, I do not count.

When I leave the door open,
please come in,
take what you want
And if you like,
Say hello when you go out…

I’ll stop here for this year.

December 31th, 2012

Deposited for legal protection with Patamu: certificate

A brief note on the avant-garde movement “Group 63.”

The Italian cultural movement Gruppo 63 was a crucial force in shaping the literary landscape of the 1960s. Composed of avant-garde writers and intellectuals, Gruppo 63 sought to challenge the prevailing norms of Italian literature through its experimental and innovative works.

Members of Group 63, such as Umberto Eco, Edoardo Sanguineti, and Nanni Balestrini, produced a wide range of ideas and poetic works that reflected their commitment to breaking free from traditional literary conventions.

Portrait of Umberto Eco, one of the leading exponents of Group 63
Portrait of Umberto Eco (1932 – 2016) on the door of an electrical cabin in France. Eco was one of the leading exponents of Group 63, contributing substantially through his studies in scientific semiotics.

These writers explored themes of existentialism, linguistic experimentation, and political engagement, often blurring the boundaries between genres and exploring new forms of expression.

Through their collaborative efforts, Gruppo 63 published influential manifestos and anthologies that laid the groundwork for a new wave of Italian literature. Their works continue to inspire generations of writers and readers, showcasing the enduring legacy of this revolutionary cultural movement.

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