Truth in Gown

Truth dressed in an evening gown posing charmingly with a bottle of red wine

Quid est veritas? ” (ed. “What is truth?”).

(Pontius Pilate, from the Gospel of John)

Truth in a gown,
At my door.

Firm touch,
Slightly strained,
Holding a notepad.

She enters the living room,
sits next to me,
breathes (really?),
And then she says,
(faltering a little),
That the evidence is overwhelming,
That it is not worth continuing to struggle.

In the other room,
asleep beside me,
Illusion lies mellow.

His belly is miraculous,
Open to any intercourse,
able to read
Ephemeral nuances that I don’t even see.

Truth observes me.
I think she is trying.
Black eyes,
Are those of easy bargaining,
Of the woman who is never tired of being a woman.

I reach out a hand,
I skim her,
I feel her skin wrinkle
as when a chill
Greening young nipples.

She stares at me,
I think she’s about to dump me,
But as I hear Illusion awakening,
our love,
lightning fast,
Is made.

I don’t remember anything,
But the weight of Truth is now on me.
Me land,
she sky,
To collect like a vase
Every drop of her reason.

The dark sky
Is ablaze with stars,
And my heart,
Pierced by thousands of pins,
stains of red
the distant glow.

Truth made me hers.
And I,
Asleep as dead,
turned off
At the end of the righteous;
In cold arms,
But hard as marble.

It is now morning.
I just woke up.
Illusion is gone.

Next to me,
Of Truth,
just a very long blond hair.
It is impregnated with her smell,
And it seems to wrap around my fingers
like a ravenous
serpent of the hereafter.

A new night
Is maybe,
In front of me.

Deposited for legal protection with Patamu: certificate

A brief note on the concept of truth in philosophy

The concept of truth in philosophy has been a topic of great debate and exploration throughout history. Various philosophers have presented different theories and perspectives on the nature of this existential condition and how it can be understood. Truth has been a central theme in philosophical discourse from ancient Greek philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle to modern thinkers such as Immanuel Kant and Friedrich Nietzsche.

Plato, for example, believed in the existence of absolute truths that exist beyond the physical world. He argued that these truths could only be accessed through reason and contemplation. On the other hand, Nietzsche challenged the idea of absolute truth, proposing instead that truth is subjective and influenced by individual perspectives and experiences.

Written concerning the concept of truth
The debate between subjective and absolute truths has permeated human history. On the one hand, some questioned everything, assuming that subjectivity is the primary filter that provides access to what is true. On the other, there stood out those who argued for the existence of truths that transcend man (obviously, among them, the logical-mathematical truth must be counted) and are therefore inherently objective.

Kant introduced the concept of synthetic a priori truths, which are necessary and universal conditions. His work revolutionized the understanding of truth and knowledge in philosophy. Overall, exploring truth in philosophy has resulted in a rich tapestry of ideas and theories that continue to shape our understanding of the world.

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