
A birdcage. Loneliness can be metaphorically represented by it.

Sometimes, loneliness scares me.
Sometimes, I see myself in my room,
Between huge bookshelves and a burning fire.
It must be cold outside:
the heat is intrusive, knocking rarely,
wants to protect him instead of my fireplace.
Definitely, it must be cold outside,
And inside, by the fire,
Apart from me and the books, there must be nothing,
As if the creator got tired
And cast to rest that very day.
Sometimes, here on my terrace,
I keep the multitude in the canary cage:
I observe it, try to count heads,
But then I give up and go back to my Siberia.
Sometimes, I also go into the cage,
In that festering welter,
And I think God had far too many muscles:
He could get tired earlier
And avoid me the census of the dead.
Sometimes, my body weighs me down
And I yearn for the spirit without even knowing it.
Many other times, the spirit is also in the cage,
And I have to look for it, at least before dinner.
Only rarely am I lucid,
And I would write a treatise
only to refute
This useless parade of preaching.

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A short philosophical note on existential loneliness

Existential loneliness is a deep sense of emptiness and isolation that individuals may experience due to the awareness of their existence and the loneliness inherent in the human condition. Philosophers such as Jean-Paul Sartre and Martin Heidegger have explored this concept, offering their insights and theories.

Sartre, a key figure in existentialism, believed that existential loneliness stems from the fundamental freedom and responsibility that come with human existence. According to Sartre, individuals are condemned to be free and make choices without guidance from external sources, which can lead to isolation and alienation.

Person sitting alone on a bench. Existential loneliness is not a condition of simple lack of friendships, but rather a reality of being that struggles with its freedom and impossibility of true and deep sharing.
Existential loneliness is not a condition of simple friendlessness but rather a reality of being that struggles with its freedom and impossibility of genuine and deep sharing of one’s state of mind and inner travail.

On the other hand, Heidegger explored the concept of being-versus-death, emphasizing the individual’s confrontation with his mortality as a source of existential loneliness. Heidegger suggested that this awareness of finiteness can cause a deep sense of loneliness and detachment from others.

Overall, existential loneliness is a complex and profoundly philosophical concept that continues to intrigue and challenge thinkers to explore the depths of human existence.

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