Classical guitar strings: a journey through time and the most fascinating cutting-edge technology

Classical guitar strings stand as silent but powerful protagonists in the twists and turns of music history, where notes weave tales of emotion and melodies speak without words. Imagine the enchanting melodies that have resonated through the centuries. Every sound that springs from the vibration of a string echoes the mastery and evolution of the art of music. The journey of classical guitar strings is an adventure in itself, a harmonious blend of tradition, innovation, and pure magic: elements that give rise, in the hands of skilled musicians, to masterpieces that touch the soul.

As we embark on a journey through time, we unveil the secrets behind the fascination with the evolution of classical guitar strings, from the ancient origins in which they were made with meticulous care to the modern technological advances that shape their production today. Each chapter in their story adds a new level of richness to the music they allow them to create. Join us as we delve into the relationship between technical precision and poignant tonal qualities that define the essence of classical guitar strings, exploring how these seemingly simple components can elevate musical performance to sublime levels.

Classical guitar strings are the

The origins of classical guitar strings: creating melody through history

Classical guitar strings began in ancient history when the search for musical expression led to the creation of various string instruments. From the lyres of ancient Greece to the lutes and related of medieval Europe, these early predecessors laid the foundation for what would later become the classical guitar.

As civilizations evolved and trade routes expanded, string-making also evolved. Early classical guitar strings were made from natural animal gut or silk materials. These organic fibers have been meticulously processed and woven to create a solid yet flexible string that produces a clear, resonant sound.

Over time, advances in technology and materials have led to innovations in string production. The introduction of metal-coated strings in the 19th century brought a new level of richness and depth to the tonal palette of the classical guitar. Today, classical guitar strings are made chiefly of nylon or composite materials based on carbon or titanium, giving players a wide range of options to suit their playing styles and preferences.

Thomann Guitar Adv

The art of roping: meticulous craftsmanship and tradition

String-making is a complex craft that requires a delicate balance between tradition and innovation. Experts in specific-use raw materials devote their lives to perfecting this ancient art form, ensuring that each string meets the highest quality and performance standards.

The process begins by selecting first-rate materials that contribute to the desired tonal characteristics. For nylon strings, high-quality polymers are carefully extruded into thin filaments before being spun into individual strands. These threads are then meticulously wound together using specialized machinery or by hand, depending on the desired consistency and tension.

A core material such as nylon or steel is wrapped with thin wire for coiled strings. The type of metal used can significantly influence the tonal qualities of the string, with materials such as silver or bronze offering a warm, soft sound. At the same time, stainless steel provides a brighter, more articulate tone and adds considerable resistance to corrosion and rust. Compared with guitar construction materials, steel is similar to the spruce top (generally chosen for the Baroque repertoire). At the same time, copper is more similar to the cedar top (suitable for the dynamics required by the Romantic repertoire).

Each string is carefully checked for consistency and quality throughout the production process. Any imperfections or irregularities are meticulously addressed to ensure that the final product meets the high standards expected by professional musicians.

Tonal qualities: explore the richness and depth of classical guitar strings

The tonal qualities of classical guitar strings play a crucial role in shaping the instrument’s overall sound. Different strings offer unique sound characteristics that can significantly enhance a musician’s performance from warm and soft to bright and vibrant.

Nylon strings, for example, are known for their softness and warmth. They produce a rich and balanced tone well suited to classical music genres. On the other hand, composite strings combine nylon with other materials, such as carbon fiber or titanium, to provide more excellent projection and clarity.

Coated strings add depth and complexity to the classical guitar sound. The choice of metal used in winding can greatly influence tonal qualities. Silver-wound strings provide a warm, round tone, while bronze-wound strings offer a brighter, more focused sound.

Finding the perfect set of classical guitar strings is a highly personal choice. Musicians experiment with different brands, tensions, and materials to discover the preferred combination that best suits their playing style and musical preferences. Further on, I have included a brief discussion of some of the most famous and qualitatively relevant classical guitar strings. This will make it easier to choose which sets to try and come to your conclusions.

Historical milestones: transformational moments in the evolution of classical guitar strings

The evolution of classical guitar strings has been marked by several transformative moments throughout history. These milestones shaped the development of string technology and influenced musical styles and performance techniques.

One such milestone occurred in the 19th century with the introduction of metal-wrapped strings. This innovation enabled guitarists to achieve greater volume and projection, making the classical guitar a more important instrument in orchestral settings.

Another significant development occurred in the mid-20th century with the advent of nylon strings. This innovative material offered more durability, stability, and tonal consistency than traditional gut strings. Nylon quickly became the preferred choice of classical guitarists around the world.

In recent years, advances in manufacturing techniques and materials have further expanded the possibilities of classical guitar strings. Laser-tuned carbon fiber composites, for example, offer greater longevity and tuning stability while maintaining a warm and vibrant tone.

These historic milestones highlight the ongoing pursuit of excellence in string design and manufacturing and the enduring commitment of musicians to push the boundaries of their craft.

Innovations in strings: modern technologies that shape the sound of the classical guitar

The world of classical guitar strings has not remained immune to technological advances. Modern innovations have played a significant role in shaping these essential musical components’ sound and performance capabilities.

A notable innovation is the use of computer-controlled winding machines. These machines provide precise tension and uniformity during string production, ensuring consistent quality in every set.

Advances in polymer chemistry have also led to new materials that offer improved tonal qualities and longevity. High-tech polymers such as fluorocarbon or composite blends provide increased projection, improved tuning stability, and resistance to changes in temperature or humidity.

A critical process is the extrusion of the polymers used, which involves extracting tubular fibers and sizing the cylindrical structure as uniformly as possible (i.e., with an almost constant diameter). In this way, the string will have an almost ideal regularity and thus ensure a crystal-clear sound and almost no tonal inaccuracy.

In addition, modern string manufacturers use scientific research and acoustic modeling to perfect their designs. They can fine-tune string construction to achieve optimal performance characteristics by analyzing the vibrations and resonances within different materials.

Although technology continues to drive innovation in string production, it is essential to note that craftsmanship remains at the heart of the process. Combining traditional techniques and modern advances ensures that classical guitar strings continue offering the highest quality and performance standards.

Nylon fibers under the microscope. The chemical and physical characteristics of nylon make it a particularly suitable material for string construction of classical guitars.
Nylon fibers under the microscope (photo provided by MicrolabNW Gallery). As can be seen, the fibers require micro-extrusion to obtain regular and concentric shapes.

Expert insights: secrets of builders and Guitarists revealed

String makers (whose processes now rely on high-precision machines) and experienced guitarists possess a vast body of knowledge regarding classical guitar strings. Their insights offer invaluable guidance for musicians seeking to harness the full potential of their instruments.

A standard tip is to experiment with different string tensions. Higher tension strings can provide greater volume and projection, while lower tension strings offer a more relaxed playing experience. Finding the right balance between tension and tonal qualities is essential to achieving optimal sound.

Guitarists also stress the importance of regular string maintenance. Cleaning the strings after each practice session helps to prolong their life and maintain their tonal integrity. In addition, proper storage in a controlled environment can prevent premature degradation caused by changes in humidity or temperature. Commercially, some waxes can be passed over the strings to protect them and prevent them from rusting quickly (especially in summer, when finger sweat is higher). Below are two examples that showed excellent value for money:

Cera per Corde di Chitarra, Mini Strumento Portatile per Pulire le Corde con Lubrificante Antiruggine per Liuto di Chitarra
  • Materiale durevole: l'olio per la cura delle corde è realizzato in materiale cerato, che aiuta a ridurre al minimo la ruggine e a prolungare la durata delle corde
  • Facile da usare: basta applicare l'olio sulle corde e distribuirlo uniformemente constraccio o un applicatore. Previene l'accumulo di sporco, sudore e olio sulla tastiera.
  • Adatto per: molto adatto per chitarra, liuto e altri strumenti a corda. Fornisce un'esperienza di gioco più stabile.
  • Accessorio per la manutenzione: le corde pulite e ben mantenute risuonano liberamente, migliorando così la qualità del suono, un buon aiuto per la manutenzione quotidiana delle corde.
  • Portatile: dimensioni ridotte e peso leggero, facile da trasportare e riporre. Adatto a tutti i tipi di corde per chitarra
GHS Fast-Fret A87 detergente e lubrificante per corde di chitarra, rossa
  • Senza silicone
  • Mantiene le corde pulite
  • Non danneggia i tasti

When choosing strings, many professionals recommend trying various brands and materials to find the perfect match for individual playing styles. Each guitarist has unique preferences, and what works for one may not necessarily work for another.

The wisdom shared by master luthiers and guitarists reminds us that although technology plays a crucial role in string production, the musician’s touch ultimately reveals the real magic hidden within each set of classical guitar strings.

The magic of harmonious pairing: guitar and strings in perfect unity

The relationship between a classical guitar and its strings is built on harmony and synergy. When paired correctly, they create a musical union that transcends the individual components, allowing musicians to express themselves profoundly and emotionally.

Guitarists often develop a deep connection with their instruments, understanding how subtle string tension or material changes can profoundly impact the overall sound. They seek a balance that complements their playing style and brings out the best qualities of their guitar.

Similarly, classical guitar strings are designed to resonate harmoniously with the instrument’s unique characteristics. The tonal qualities, responsiveness, and projection of the strings must align with the construction and acoustics of the guitar to create a unified voice.

When this perfect unity is achieved, the guitar becomes an extension of the musician’s soul. It responds effortlessly to their touch, allowing them to convey emotion and tell stories through music.

Beyond sound: the symbolism and cultural significance of classical guitar strings

Classical guitar strings have both musical significance and symbolic and cultural significance. They represent a link to centuries-old traditions, embodying the rich heritage of classical music.

In many cultures, stringed instruments have been associated with storytelling and communication. Plucking each string evokes emotions that transcend language barriers, creating a universal language understood by all who listen.

In addition, classical guitar strings symbolize dedication and mastery. The meticulous string-making process reflects the patience and attention to detail required by musicians in their pursuit of excellence.

Classical guitar strings have played a key role in shaping musical genres and inspiring generations of musicians from ancient courtrooms to modern concert halls. Their cultural significance goes far beyond their practical function as mere components of an instrument.

Classical guitar strings available: a selected review

This section presents all the classical guitar string sets I have tried for decades. These are always emblazoned manufacturers that are abreast of technological developments, so quality differences are often minimal. What changes is the durability of metal coatings, their resistance to oxidation, and other minor details.

Augustine Strings

Augustine is one of the oldest and most famous classical guitar strings manufacturers, and Segovia sponsors it. It produces sets with different features to suit the needs of every guitarist. I recommend the Classic Nylon Blue to all newcomers or those with limited left-hand strength. At the same time, I urge you to consider the Imperial or Regal to get more projection, given the high tension of both bass and cantinas.

The top-of-the-line is the Paragon series, which offers high-tension carbon fiber balanced cantinas to deliver a clean, bright, and powerful sound. I have no secret that Augustine is my favorite brand, and I currently use only strings from that manufacturer.

Augustine Corde classiche per chitarra in nylon nero, bassa tensione Nero classico
Augustine 650437 Corde per Chitarra Classica, Etichetta Blu, Set Standard-Cantini, Tensione Normale/Alta Imposta
Augustine 650467 Corde per Chitarra Classica, Etichetta Imperial, Set Cantini Precision-Round High Tensione, Corde Basse Medium Tensione, Muta Rossa Set Rosso
Augustine 650537 Corde per Chitarra Classica, Etichetta Regals, Set Cantini Precision-Round Extra High Tensione, Corde Basse High Tensione, Muta Blu Set Luce blu
Augustine Ideal Textiles 7780 - Set di tende ad alta tensione, colore: Blu Blu Paragon
Augustine Corde classiche per chitarra in nylon nero, bassa tensione Nero classico
Augustine 650437 Corde per Chitarra Classica, Etichetta Blu, Set Standard-Cantini, Tensione Normale/Alta Imposta
Augustine 650467 Corde per Chitarra Classica, Etichetta Imperial, Set Cantini Precision-Round High Tensione, Corde Basse Medium Tensione, Muta Rossa Set Rosso
Augustine 650537 Corde per Chitarra Classica, Etichetta Regals, Set Cantini Precision-Round Extra High Tensione, Corde Basse High Tensione, Muta Blu Set Luce blu
Augustine Ideal Textiles 7780 - Set di tende ad alta tensione, colore: Blu Blu Paragon
17,99 EUR
15,00 EUR
12,80 EUR
12,80 EUR
20,00 EUR
Augustine Corde classiche per chitarra in nylon nero, bassa tensione Nero classico
Augustine Corde classiche per chitarra in nylon nero, bassa tensione Nero classico
17,99 EUR
Augustine 650437 Corde per Chitarra Classica, Etichetta Blu, Set Standard-Cantini, Tensione Normale/Alta Imposta
Augustine 650437 Corde per Chitarra Classica, Etichetta Blu, Set Standard-Cantini, Tensione Normale/Alta Imposta
15,00 EUR
Augustine 650467 Corde per Chitarra Classica, Etichetta Imperial, Set Cantini Precision-Round High Tensione, Corde Basse Medium Tensione, Muta Rossa Set Rosso
Augustine 650467 Corde per Chitarra Classica, Etichetta Imperial, Set Cantini Precision-Round High Tensione, Corde Basse Medium Tensione, Muta Rossa Set Rosso
12,80 EUR
Augustine 650537 Corde per Chitarra Classica, Etichetta Regals, Set Cantini Precision-Round Extra High Tensione, Corde Basse High Tensione, Muta Blu Set Luce blu
Augustine 650537 Corde per Chitarra Classica, Etichetta Regals, Set Cantini Precision-Round Extra High Tensione, Corde Basse High Tensione, Muta Blu Set Luce blu
12,80 EUR
Augustine Ideal Textiles 7780 - Set di tende ad alta tensione, colore: Blu Blu Paragon
Augustine Ideal Textiles 7780 - Set di tende ad alta tensione, colore: Blu Blu Paragon
20,00 EUR

D’Addario Strings

D’Addario is also a renowned manufacturer of strings for classical, acoustic, and electric instruments. In terms of production, D’Addario follows the most advanced standards and uses first-rate materials combined with advanced technologies for shaping nylon cores. It offers silver- or copper-coated strings and carbon or titanium cantinas.

Again, I have selected some sets suitable for various circumstances and at various prices. I recommend the standard strings for newcomers, similar to the Augustine Classic Blue, have medium-low tension while maintaining a warm, bright tone and good sound projection.

On the other hand, pro-Arté strings with “hard” or “extra-hard” tension offer a remarkable level of sound emission and, together with copper coatings, provide excellent corrosion resistance. While I don’t use them commonly, my ideal choice is XT Dynacore, made with all the best measures to achieve a bright, accurate, high-pitched sound and bass that adapts to different performance circumstances.

D'Addario Corde Chitarra Classica | EJ27N | Classic Nylon | Corde per Chitarra Classica | Tensione Normale | 1 Pacchetto Normal Tension 1-Pack
D'Addario Corde Chitarra Classica | EJ45 | Classic Nylon | Corde per Chitarra Classica | Tensione Normale | 1 Pacchetto EJ45 Normal Single
D'Addario XTC46, XT Corde in Rame Placcate Argento per Chitarra Classica, Dura Tension Dura Tension Single
d'Addario EJ44TT Set Corde Classica Pro Arte 1-pacchetto Singolo Extra-duro
D'Addario EJ46LP Set Corde Classica Pro Arte Tensione dura
D'Addario Corde Chitarra Classica | EJ27N | Classic Nylon | Corde per Chitarra Classica | Tensione Normale | 1 Pacchetto Normal Tension 1-Pack
D'Addario Corde Chitarra Classica | EJ45 | Classic Nylon | Corde per Chitarra Classica | Tensione Normale | 1 Pacchetto EJ45 Normal Single
D'Addario XTC46, XT Corde in Rame Placcate Argento per Chitarra Classica, Dura Tension Dura Tension Single
d'Addario EJ44TT Set Corde Classica Pro Arte 1-pacchetto Singolo Extra-duro
D'Addario EJ46LP Set Corde Classica Pro Arte Tensione dura
9,50 EUR
12,90 EUR
18,50 EUR
23,50 EUR
30,80 EUR
D'Addario Corde Chitarra Classica | EJ27N | Classic Nylon | Corde per Chitarra Classica | Tensione Normale | 1 Pacchetto Normal Tension 1-Pack
D'Addario Corde Chitarra Classica | EJ27N | Classic Nylon | Corde per Chitarra Classica | Tensione Normale | 1 Pacchetto Normal Tension 1-Pack
9,50 EUR
D'Addario Corde Chitarra Classica | EJ45 | Classic Nylon | Corde per Chitarra Classica | Tensione Normale | 1 Pacchetto EJ45 Normal Single
D'Addario Corde Chitarra Classica | EJ45 | Classic Nylon | Corde per Chitarra Classica | Tensione Normale | 1 Pacchetto EJ45 Normal Single
12,90 EUR
D'Addario XTC46, XT Corde in Rame Placcate Argento per Chitarra Classica, Dura Tension Dura Tension Single
D'Addario XTC46, XT Corde in Rame Placcate Argento per Chitarra Classica, Dura Tension Dura Tension Single
18,50 EUR
d'Addario EJ44TT Set Corde Classica Pro Arte 1-pacchetto Singolo Extra-duro
d'Addario EJ44TT Set Corde Classica Pro Arte 1-pacchetto Singolo Extra-duro
23,50 EUR
D'Addario EJ46LP Set Corde Classica Pro Arte Tensione dura
D'Addario EJ46LP Set Corde Classica Pro Arte Tensione dura
30,80 EUR

La Bella Strings

La Bella is another house with a prosperous past. Various internationally renowned artists have used his classical guitar strings and have never been disappointed. In the comparison table, I have included, as usual, an entry-level for students and novices, with a low price and some very distinctive variants.

The 850 Elite series is gold alloy plated with the highest corrosion resistance. In addition, the strings have excellent projection with bright yet warm sounds that are adaptable to both ancient repertoire and modern and contemporary pieces that require exploiting the full expressive potential of the guitar.

In addition, La Bella also produces excellent sets intended for recording or concerts. The strings have high tension and offer exceptional dynamics and projection even when playing the pianissimo required by much literature. For this reason, the strings are appropriately marked so they can be removed and reused only on special occasions.

La Bella 2001 Classical Guitar Strings Medium
La Bella 653858 Corde per Chitarra Classica Professional Studio, 850
LaBella 900B La Bella Guitar String Set [Electronics] (japan import) 900 Golden Superior
La Bella Studio professionale 413P Singolo
La Bella Corde professionali per chitarra classica 500P per concerti e registrazioni
La Bella 2001 Classical Guitar Strings Medium
La Bella 653858 Corde per Chitarra Classica Professional Studio, 850
LaBella 900B La Bella Guitar String Set [Electronics] (japan import) 900 Golden Superior
La Bella Studio professionale 413P Singolo
La Bella Corde professionali per chitarra classica 500P per concerti e registrazioni
15,13 EUR
15,97 EUR
18,15 EUR
29,08 EUR
29,93 EUR
La Bella 2001 Classical Guitar Strings Medium
La Bella 2001 Classical Guitar Strings Medium
15,13 EUR
La Bella 653858 Corde per Chitarra Classica Professional Studio, 850
La Bella 653858 Corde per Chitarra Classica Professional Studio, 850
15,97 EUR
LaBella 900B La Bella Guitar String Set [Electronics] (japan import) 900 Golden Superior
LaBella 900B La Bella Guitar String Set [Electronics] (japan import) 900 Golden Superior
18,15 EUR
La Bella Studio professionale 413P Singolo
La Bella Studio professionale 413P Singolo
29,08 EUR
La Bella Corde professionali per chitarra classica 500P per concerti e registrazioni
La Bella Corde professionali per chitarra classica 500P per concerti e registrazioni
29,93 EUR

Should you wish to try the Professional series, I recommend using beads like those produced by Alba. This will make string removal easier and prevent distortion of the string portions attached to the bridge.

Alba Guitar Beads in plastica, in colore nero lucido per Chitarra, Ukulele, Mandolino per Corde di Nylon per Chitarra Acustica/Elettrica…
  • Le perline creano un angolo profondo tra il ponte e il dado e quindi aumentano la tensione sul dado.
  • Quando la corda viene tirata e suona si impegna meglio con la tavola armonica della chitarra, fornendo un suono più chiaro e ricco.
  • Il tono e l'intonazione della chitarra migliorano muovendo la tensione della corda all'estremità del ponte.
  • Mantieni la chitarra in sintonia più a lungo.
  • Niente più graffi di corda, scanalature e segni sul ponte e sul corpo della chitarra.

Entry-level (but good quality) strings

Suppose you do not have special needs and do not want to spend much. In that case, several less emblazoned manufacturers can still produce classical guitar strings with performance suitable for the studio.

Ernie Ball is a very famous house, especially in the world of electric guitar, and boasts several guitarists among its users. Nylon strings do not reach the perfection of the houses mentioned earlier, but they offer a good balance of voices and a warm tone.

Havendi, Hannabach, Villkin, and Galli are in the middle range, and their strings, while not excellent, can safely be used by novices, primarily because of their excellent value for money. However, after trying Augustine or D’Addario sets, I doubt one would decide to return to these brands too lightly. Nonetheless, depending on your needs, these strings can be more than sufficient, and there is no reason to spend two or three times their price if you do not take full advantage of the potential offered by the more emblazoned strings.

Ernie Ball, Ernesto Palla Black and Silver, Corde per chitarra classica in nylon Argento e nero Confezione singola Legature
HAVENDI® - Corde per chitarra da concerto in nylon, per chitarra classica rivestita in argento (set da 6 corde, con 3 plettri 1 Set Argento
GALLI C007 Corde per Chitarra Classica Tensione Normale BALL END
Hannabach 500MT Corde per Chitarra Classica Medium Tension
Villkin corde per chitarra - corde di nylon di prima qualità per chitarra classica, acustica e da concerto - Set di 6 corde 1er Pack (6 Saiten)
Ernie Ball, Ernesto Palla Black and Silver, Corde per chitarra classica in nylon Argento e nero Confezione singola Legature
HAVENDI® - Corde per chitarra da concerto in nylon, per chitarra classica rivestita in argento (set da 6 corde, con 3 plettri 1 Set Argento
GALLI C007 Corde per Chitarra Classica Tensione Normale BALL END
Hannabach 500MT Corde per Chitarra Classica Medium Tension
Villkin corde per chitarra - corde di nylon di prima qualità per chitarra classica, acustica e da concerto - Set di 6 corde 1er Pack (6 Saiten)
10,00 EUR
9,90 EUR
15,99 EUR
7,90 EUR
7,98 EUR
Ernie Ball, Ernesto Palla Black and Silver, Corde per chitarra classica in nylon Argento e nero Confezione singola Legature
Ernie Ball, Ernesto Palla Black and Silver, Corde per chitarra classica in nylon Argento e nero Confezione singola Legature
10,00 EUR
HAVENDI® - Corde per chitarra da concerto in nylon, per chitarra classica rivestita in argento (set da 6 corde, con 3 plettri 1 Set Argento
HAVENDI® - Corde per chitarra da concerto in nylon, per chitarra classica rivestita in argento (set da 6 corde, con 3 plettri 1 Set Argento
9,90 EUR
GALLI C007 Corde per Chitarra Classica Tensione Normale BALL END
GALLI C007 Corde per Chitarra Classica Tensione Normale BALL END
15,99 EUR
Hannabach 500MT Corde per Chitarra Classica Medium Tension
Hannabach 500MT Corde per Chitarra Classica Medium Tension
7,90 EUR
Villkin corde per chitarra - corde di nylon di prima qualità per chitarra classica, acustica e da concerto - Set di 6 corde 1er Pack (6 Saiten)
Villkin corde per chitarra - corde di nylon di prima qualità per chitarra classica, acustica e da concerto - Set di 6 corde 1er Pack (6 Saiten)
7,98 EUR

Conclusion: Embrace the timeless charm of classical guitar strings

The journey through time revealed the intricate history, meticulous craftsmanship, technical innovations, and profound tonal qualities that define classical guitar strings. These seemingly simple components have shaped musical landscapes for centuries, resonating with audiences worldwide.

As musicians continue to explore new horizons and expand the boundaries of their art, classical guitar strings remain a faithful companion, offering endless possibilities for melodic expression. Whether embracing the warmth of traditional gut strings or harnessing the power of modern materials, the appeal of classical guitar strings persists.

I hope that the exposition of the characteristics of the different strings (although it cannot be ultimately exhaustive-I have, for example, omitted Savarez, which is also a noteworthy house) may enable one to evaluate and choose which sets to buy to express the potentialities of this beautiful instrument best!

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Last update on 2024-06-17 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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