Poetry – The grandest ecstasy of words!

This page contains an index of all poetic material written by Giuseppe Bonaccorso. It includes poems, poetic prose, and poetry books. All poems on this site have been released free of charge, although sometimes they have been published in magazines or poetry books.

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Erato, muse of love poetry by François Boucher
Erato, muse of song and love poetry (François Boucher)

Italian   All poetry works have been written originally in Italian.



This poem is inspired by the biblical figure of Job, tormented by physical and moral pain and engaged in a dialectical and conflictual relationship with God.


This is an existentialist and conflicted poem inspired by the well-known character from the Oedipus myth as told in Sophocles’ tragedy “Oedipus Rex.”

In the beginning was the Word

Surrealist and esoteric-inspired poetry focuses on the concept of the Word, the origin of everything, and its raw and evanescent material reality.

I dream of living in a hamlet of hovels

Poetry inspired by the dreamlike settings of Hieronymus Bosch, small Flemish villages, during winter evenings, among taverns and icy streets.

Infinite nigredo

Discover the thresholds of infinite nigredo with poetry and a Greek perfection: a soul weeping and laughing drunk on inevitable eternity.

Like the counterweight of a metronome

An unstoppable chronostasis: Discover how the moment hides behind a metronome beat and human existence in its unstoppable eternal presence.

Nymphs, elves, gods, and goats

Nymphs, elves, gods, and goats wait in the wings. Venus laughs, Pan wears herself out, flamenco dancers and Polyphemus enjoy. Find inspiration in Ulysses’s dreams. Read about a dusty Heaven in a mythological poem.

I rode a white beast

A white beast was recognizable among a thousand, and one led me to a grave beside the river. The spiral returns to grip me like a psychotic’s embrace. I ascend to forgotten times.

I would write about worlds never seen

Explore enchanted worlds and ineffable loves in this twilight poetry, a genre that captures the beauty and melancholy of sunset and sunrise.

When I was a child

Reflections on the worldview from our childhood. A poem in the form of an ode on the childhood images that accompany us.

Beggars of the spirit at my door

Beggars of the spirit and a procession of souls with nooses around their necks. A reflection on vacuity and the eternal merry-go-round of saints and gods.


Experience the inflamed awakening of the passions. This poem explores the incendiary power of words and emotions that burn in the soul.

I watch my thoughts

Discover the evocative power of thoughts through this poem. An emotional journey that reveals the complexity of our inner world.

Awakened Winters

Explore the poetry of winter: a season of endings and new beginnings that inspires creativity and beauty in art.

Tell me what I can do for you

Let me know what I can do for you before winter comes. In this twilight poem, discover the tenuous hope that flakes away.

Images scattered like grains of sand

Explore this poem’s fascinating and evocative images, including still life and extraordinary landscapes that evoke deep nostalgia.

She is here

She’s here, lying a few meters from me, shrouded in silence. In this existential poem, discover the mystery of incommunicability between individuals.

Around me

A poetic and profound vision of human boredom and inertia that leads to the discovery of the universe and the constant transformation of existence.

I am not a man who thinks too much

In this poem, the man who thinks of being the object of desire, beloved, discovers the truth of an existential hiatus that cannot be bridged.

There is no time

Against the backdrop of destruction and despair, the poem describes a timeless and irredeemable atmosphere in which crumbling houses and wars draw a transcendent picture.

Surrounded by a shriveled hubbub

Abandoned footsteps, waiting for human commotion, and the blue sky are interwoven into a poetic picture of stillness and beauty.


Sometimes, the muse tarries, peering at me expressionlessly, then mysteriously disappearing in an aura of enchantment, leaving the bitter taste of fleeting inspiration imbued with melancholy.

Short compositions

Quartet of Short Poems No. 1

This quartet of short, hermetic poems, dreamlike and elegiac, is based on contemplating memories and a faded present.

Trio of Short Poems No. 1

A trio of short poems, impressionistic sketches of reality, and abstract inner landscapes that manifest like flashes of light in the night of the senses.

It’s not raining now

While it is not raining, the wind is wheezing through the barracks, the silent wall letting itself burn, and the fleeting memory causes a train of emotions in this short poem.

Poetic Prose

In Praise of Rain

A poetic prose shaped like an ode to rain, its charm, noises and silences, life hidden among the drops, and the subject’s point of view.

In Praise of the Fog

Poetic prose in praise of the fog, of its silent appearance to dissolve colors and shapes into an elegiac impressionist painting.

A clock ticks

Observe how the clock pulses, cartons roll, stolen words fill a void of systole and diastole, and how wind songs meet poetry!


My poetry books in Italian

They include poems, poetic prose, and short poetry.

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Historical and Literary Considerations

Throughout history, poetry has been a powerful means of communication, enabling people to express their emotions, thoughts, and experiences in lyrical and captivating ways. Its origins can be traced back to antiquity, with ancient civilizations such as the Sumerians, Egyptians, and Greeks laying the foundation for the poetic tradition.

In ancient Mesopotamia, the Sumerians composed hymns and laments to honor their gods and goddesses. These poetic compositions were recited mainly during religious ceremonies and rituals. Similarly, Egyptians used poetry to praise their pharaohs and commemorate important events. Their poetic works often revolved around themes of love, nature, and the afterlife.

However, the ancient Greeks significantly contributed to the development and spread of poetry. Famous poets such as Homer, Hesiod, and Sappho created epic narratives, didactic poems, and lyrical verse that became the basis of the Western poetic tradition. Homer’s epic poems, “The Iliad” and “The Odyssey,” provided a model for storytelling and influenced countless poets over the centuries.

Homer, the author of the most important Greek poetry in a painting by Jean-Baptiste A. Leloir
Homer, the poet and author dei of the most important Greek poetic compositions in a painting by Jean-Baptiste A. Leloir

As time passed, poetry began to spread beyond its initial geographic boundaries. As empires, trade routes, and cultural exchange expanded, poetic traditions made their way to different regions of the world. The Islamic Golden Age, for example, saw the rise of Arabic poetry, with renowned poets such as Rumi and Hafiz gaining recognition for their mystical and poignant verses.

Chinese and Japanese poetry flourished in East Asia, with haiku and tanka becoming popular. These concise and evocative poems capture the beauty of nature and the fleeting moments of human existence. In India, ancient Sanskrit poetry, such as the Rigveda and Mahabharata, preserved the country’s rich mythological and philosophical traditions.

The spread of poetry continued during the era of European exploration and colonization. Poetic forms from different cultures merged, resulting in unique poetic styles. For example, the Romantic movement of the 18th and 19th centuries brought forth a new wave of poetry that celebrated individualism, nature, and imagination.

Today, poetry remains a vibrant art form transcending language and cultural barriers. From the works of Pablo Neruda in South America to the haiku of Matsuo Basho in Japan, poetry continues to evolve and adapt to changing times. It is a timeless medium for self-expression, social commentary, and emotional connection.

In conclusion, the origin of poetry can be traced back to ancient civilizations, where it served as a means of religious devotion, storytelling, and cultural expression. Over time, poetry has spread to various geographical areas, with different cultures adopting and adapting poetic forms to reflect their unique perspectives and experiences. The poetry journey unfolds, weaving the threads of human emotion and imagination worldwide.

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